Tryout season has arrived, and we're all eager to find out who will be making our favorite teams. Whether it be high school cheer, all star, or college, tryouts can be stressful. You have to land your tumbling, stick your stunts, execute your jumps—all while trying to make it look pretty and effortless in front of a panel of judges.
Don't worry, cheer friends, FloCheer is here to make this season's tryout is your best yet. To make your tryout as stress-free as possible, we have compiled a few tips and tricks for things you should NOT do.
Here are 10 things not to do at tryouts!
1. Do NOT overdo it on makeup
Everyone in the cheer world knows: eyes, lips, and cheeks are a must. But keep it fresh and natural. You want the judges to see your inner beauty, not be distracted by your rainbow eyeshadow and purple lipstick.
2. Do NOT wing it
You want to make sure you have the best chances possible of making your dream team, so don't leave anything to chance. Take advantage of open gyms. Get to know your surroundings, find out how the tryout process will go, and plan your tryout stunt ahead of time. Nothing is worse than showing up to tryouts the day of and rushing (panicking) to find a stunt group.
If you don't know anyone else trying out, ask the coach or a veteran on the team to help pair you up with a group; you never know, those girls might be your new best friends!
3. Do NOT stay up late the night before
This should go without saying but . . . get some sleep! You want to be well-rested and fresh-faced in the morning,so turn off Netflix and say goodnight.
4. Do NOT skip breakfast
I know you think you'll be too nervous to eat, but you need proper energy to perform (and for your brain to function)! Tryouts can go until late in the evening and skipping the most important meal of the day will have your stomach growling by noon.
5. Do NOT over stress
You have heard this a hundred times and you will hear it again: stressing won't change anything. It is totally natural to be nervous but don't let it affect your performance. Don't stress—do your best.
6. Do NOT be unprepared
Whether it is all star or school cheer, some programs require specific attire for tryouts. Make sure to find out from coaches and current teammates what to wear in advance (not the day before) and how to do your hair and makeup before arriving.
Also, if there is an interview portion at tryouts, try to brush up on your knowledge of the program. This is more for college cheerleaders, but knowing a few alumni and some of the program or school's history will help you sound knowledgeable and informed during interviews.
7. Do NOT frown
Come one ladies and gents, smile! We are cheerleaders—smiling is what we do. Even if it doesn't come natural or it's just not your personality, you don't want the judges to think you have a negative attitude. A simple smile before and after a skill or when introducing yourself can go a long way.
8. Do NOT wear unnecessary accessories
At tryouts, you want to show off your skills, not your brand-new glitter stud earrings. You can't wear jewelry on the mat, so don't bother wearing any to tryouts. This goes for you fellas as well. Some colleges require males to wear khaki shorts and a belt. Keep it simple and leave your oversized belt buckle at home.
9. Do NOT skimp on deodorant
Again, this goes without saying. You will be performing physical activity all day long while being a tad nervous and stressed, so you are going to sweat. Make sure you smell nice and throw a stick of deodorant in your bag to freshen up on breaks.
10. Do NOT panic if you don't make the team you thought you would
This is mainly for my all star friends out there. If you don't get placed on the exact team you have been dreaming of, don't panic. There's a lot that goes into deciding where to put your athletes as a coach; trust that they are doing what is best for you and the team. Use this as motivation to work even harder this season and reach your goal next year!
We hope these tips and tricks are helpful and informative. Best of luck at your upcoming tryouts!