Carla Hernandez Vsim (2025)

1. vSim® for Nursing Maternity - Laerdal Medical

  • The vSim for Nursing | Maternity solution features 10 virtual patients ... Carla Hernandez (Core) Preparation for C-section due to Umbilical Cord Prolapse ...

  • Designed to simulate real nursing scenarios, vSim® for Nursing, co-developed by Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer, allows students to interact with patients in a safe, realistic online environment.

2. SOLUTION: Carla hernandez vsim - Studypool

  • The deliberation process requires two stages:3a. Apply one or more ethical theories (see Chapter 2) to the analysis of the moral issue, and then, go to Step 3b.

  • Get help with homework questions from verified tutors 24/7 on demand. Access 20 million homework answers, class notes, and study guides in our Notebank.

3. Vernon Watkins VSIM & Carla Hernandez Vsim Pre/Post-test ...

4. Carla Hernandez VSIM 2020/2021 Latest - Stuvia

  • hands as soon as you enter the room. 0:10 Patient status - Heart rate: 88. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 136/81 mmHg. " This study source was downloaded ...

  • hands as soon as you enter the room. 0:10 Patient status - Heart rate: 88. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 136/81 mmHg. " This study source was downloaded by from CourseH on :17:50 GMT -05:00 This study resource was shared via CourseHRespiration: 17. Conscious state: Appropriate. SpO2: 98%. Temp: 37 C. EFM: Baseline. Fetal heart rate: 130. 0:59 Patient status - Heart rate: 87. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 138/80 mmHg. Respiration: 18. Conscious state: Appropriate. SpO2: 99%. Temp: 37 C. EFM: Episodic acceleration. Fetal heart rate: 130. 1:18 You identified the patient. To maintain patient safety it is important that you quickly identify the patient. 1:31 You asked the patient a question. The patient mumbled an answer. 1:48 You looked for normal breathing. She is breathing at 20 breaths per minute. The chest is moving equally. 1:59 Patient status - Heart rate: 90. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 141/80 mmHg. Respiration: 19. Conscious state: Appropriate. SpO2: 99%. Temp: 37 C. EFM: Episodic acceleration. Fetal heart rate: 140. 2:08 You checked the radial pulse. The pulse is strong, 90 per minute and regular. It is correct to assess the patients vital signs. 2:09 Patient status - Heart rate: 89. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 142/81 mmHg. Respiration: 18. Conscious state: Appropriate. SpO2: 99%. Temp: 37 C. EFM: Baseline. Fetal heart rate: 135. 2:20 The babys head was crowning. 2:42 You measured the Bloodpressureblood pressure at 138/80 mmHg. It i...

5. Carla hernandez vsim | Nursing homework help - SweetStudy

  • 7 jun 2023 · I need to complete the care plan using the Carla Hernandez vsim maternity also I upload the document that I have to fill with the ...

  • I need to complete the care plan using the Carla Hernandez vsim maternity also I upload the document that I have to fill with the information

6. SOLUTION: Carla hernandez vsim pdf - Studypool

  • This study source was downloaded by 100000803409674 from on 04-16-2021 03:09:50 GMT -05:00Patient status - Heart rate: 88. Pulse: Present.

  • This study source was downloaded by 100000803409674 from on 04-16-2021 03:09:50 GMT -05:00Patient status - Heart rate: 88. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 138/82 mmHg.

7. Carla hernandez vsim | Nursing homework help - SweetStudy

  • Carla Hernandez Vsim ; CLINICAL WORKSHEET: MATERNITY NURSING PROCESS CARE PLAN ; STUDENT NAME. DATE ; Client Initials. Culture/Ethnicity ; Unit. Room/Bed ; Age. Sex.

  • New Professions …

8. VSIM(8)- Carla Hernandez (Complex)-5.6단계 - 해피캠퍼스

  • 25 jan 2022 · Carla Hernandez는 임심 39주 5/7로 32세 히스패닉계 여성이다 - G2P1(L1) - 남편과 함께 오늘 오전 6시 부터 분만을 위해 입원 하였다 - 그녀의 자궁 ...

  • - Carla Hernandez는 임심 39주 5/7로 32세 히스패닉계 여성이다 - G2P1(L1) - 남편과 함께 오늘 오전 6시 부터 분만을 위해 입원 하였다 - 그녀의 자궁 수축은 3~5분마다 60초 동안 지속 - 태아의 체중은 초음파로 2700g이다. - 환자의 양막 파열은 진행되지 않은 상태 이다. - 첫 분만은 자연분만으로 하였고 40주 2/7주에 2785g으로 분만 하였다 - 한시간전 자궁 경부는 5cm 확장되었고 경부 소실은 90% 되었으며 station 0이다 - 양막은 여전히 파열되지 않은 상태이다. - lac..

Carla Hernandez Vsim (2025)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.