Gw2 Blue Prophet Shard (2025)

1. Blue Prophet Shard

  • Vigil Emissary Chest

  • While there is no acquisition cap for them from Icebrood Saga strikes, and the strikes may be completed repeatedly without any daily or weekly limits, there is however a 100 shard limit per week for End of Dragons and Secrets of the Obscure strikes.

2. Blue Prophet Shard - GW2BLTC

  • Blue Prophet Shard: Crystalline shards of dragon magic, veined with blue. Can be exchanged for rewards in the Eye of the North, Arborstone, or Lion's Arch..

  • Blue Prophet Shard: Crystalline shards of dragon magic, veined with blue. Can be exchanged for rewards in the Eye of the North, Arborstone, or Lion's Arch.. Rare - Consumable. Immediate. Total Crafting Cost Breakdown.

3. Green Prophet Shard - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Green Prophet Shards are a currency earned by participating in Strike missions from the latest expansion. They are stored in the wallet.

4. Prophet Shard - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

5. Blue Prophet Shard - Dulfy Database

  • Crystalline shards of dragon magic, veined with blue. Can be exchanged for rewards in the Eye of the North, Arborstone, or Lion's Arch.

  • © 2013 ArenaNet, Inc. All rights reserved. Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet, NCsoft, the Interlocking NC Logo, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

6. Shard Collector - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Shard Collectors are vendors offering Strike Mission rewards in exchange for strike currency. List of Shard CollectorsEdit. Merchant, Currency, Location.

7. Changes to strike rewards (Prophet Shards) - Guild Wars 2 Forums

  • Meer resultaten van

  • Hey, according to this article of the german news site "buffed" the EoD strike rewards will be changed from green to blue prophet shards: Quote Das bedeutet, dass euch aktuelle Inhalte gr...

8. Account - Wallet - gw2efficiency

  • Used to open mining caches around Gyala Delve. 0. Blue Prophet Shard ... GW2 API Status · Legal Notice.

  • gw2efficiency is your helpful companion for everything Guild Wars 2 related.

9. Red Prophet Shard - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • 28 feb 2022 · Red Prophet Shard · The Icebrood Saga Strike Missions now award Blue Prophet Shards and Blue Prophet Crystals. · Red and Green Prophet Shards and ...

  • Notes:

10. Gearing up to Ascended Guide - Hardstuck

  • 13 jul 2022 · Blue Prophet Shard[s]s are easily farmable by doing IBS (Icebrood ..., ArenaNet Partner, and your friendly neighborhood World vs.

  • This guide will give you a general overview of some unique properties of ascended items like stat-swapping, and of course, cheapest and fastest methods to get end-game ascended equipment.

11. How to Gear a Character in GW2 - MetaBattle

  • 29 apr 2024 · Icebrood Saga Strikes award Blue Prophet Shards, which can be traded for stat-selectable weapons and armour at a vendor in the Eye of the North.

  • Overview of some of the most efficient methods of gearing a level 80 Guild Wars 2 character in PvP and WvW.

12. Zazzl - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • End of Dragons Ascended Elite Specialization TrinketsEdit ; Harbinger's Trinket.png · Master Harbinger's Trinket · Accessory, GAscended, 30. Blue Prophet Shard.

13. GW2 - Ascended Guide - Guild Wars 2 Equipment and Gear - GuildJen

  • 10 sep 2022 · GW2. Ascended Guide. The complete guide on ... These require Blue Prophet Shards which you will get from clearing strike missions and gold.

  • GW2. Ascended Guide. The complete guide on how to obtain ascended equipment. BEST Equipment and Gear up to date 2022.

14. Account calculator - Orikaru

  • Blue Prophet Crystal. Green Prophet Shard. Green Prophet Crystal. Red Prophet Shard. Red Prophet Crystal. Legendary Insight. Fractal Relic. Pristine Fractal ...

  • Welcome to the website containing everything that crosses my mind! From broken experiments to useful tools, Orikaru is there for you.

Gw2 Blue Prophet Shard (2025)


What do you do with blue prophet shards gw2? ›

They are stored in the wallet and can be traded with vendors in Eye of the North, Arborstone, Lion's Arch, and The Wizard's Tower for ascended and strike-specific items.

How many green prophet shards per week? ›

Green Prophet Shards are a currency earned by participating in Strike missions from the latest expansion. They are stored in the wallet. It is possible to earn up to 100 shards from strike attempts and completions each week.

When to open Vigil Emissary Chest gw2? ›

Notes: After the February 28, 2022 game update, only the Vigil Emissary Chest exists now. Emissary Chests were chests found in the Eye of the North. They can be opened only once per week, and are reset weekly.

Where to spend spirit shards in GW2? ›

Used to purchase items used in the Mystic Forge. Used by Miyani to maintain the Mystic Forge. Spirit Shards are a currency. They are stored in the wallet and may be traded to Miyani and Mystic Forge Attendants.

What can you do with blue shards? ›

Shard can be sold for 140p each or used in Crafting Recipes; it's best to save them to craft a Star Piece as it'll sell for 5000p.

What do red and blue shards do? ›

The red, green, and blue shards can eventually be combined with stardust to create a star piece once you have the recipe. This star piece can be sold for 5,000 Pokédollars.

How to get gold fast in GW2? ›

Ways to Earn Gold
  1. The Trading Post. Instant Selling. Crafting Materials and Gear. Trading Post Flipping.
  2. Daily Checklist. Daily Completionist. Daily Gathering. Crafting. ...
  3. Map/Event Farms. Dragonfall. Drizzlewood Coast. ...
  4. Endgame PvE. Weekly Raids. Strikes. ...
  5. Competetive Modes. sPvP. WvW.
  6. Gems to Gold.
  7. More Resources.
Mar 29, 2024

How many green titanite shards do I need for 5? ›

Weapon Shard Locations
Upgrade ProgressionNeed Total
Normal +5 --> Raw +510 Large Titanite Shards
Normal +5 --> Magic +510 Green Titanite Shards
Normal +5 --> Divine+510 Green Titanite Shards
Normal +5 --> Fire +511 Green Titanite Shards
9 more rows
Sep 13, 2012

How much gold per hour is Drizzlewood Coast? ›

Drizzlewood Coast

Our research shows that by taking part in the meta-event and finishing the different side quests distributed throughout the zone, players can make up to 20 gold every hour. The zone also offers a variety of valuable resources, including rare crafting materials and high-level loot drops.

When to use mystic forge gw2? ›

The Mystic Forge has wide variety of recipes, but is used primarily for upgrading equipment, promoting crafting materials, obtaining precursor weapons, and crafting legendary weapons. It has an important function in the game economy as a gold sink.

What is a strike mission? ›

Strike Missions are 10 player squad-based PvE instances, usually consisting of a single boss encounter, that alongside Raids serve as a one of the core pillars of Guild Wars 2's PvE endgame designed for level 80 characters.

How to open icebrood saga chest? ›

The Icebrood Saga mastery tracks required to open the colored chests are as follows:
  1. Green chests (Valor) are opened with the Red mastery (Resilience)
  2. Blue chests (Vigilance) are opened with the Green mastery (Valor)
  3. Red chests (Resilience) are opened with the Blue mastery (Vigilance)

What are obsidian shards used for gw2? ›

Hint: Usually purchased from laurel merchants, fractal vendors, Mastery vendors, and quartermasters across Tyria. Obsidian Shards are high level crafting materials. They are used to create Mystic Clovers and 250 Obsidian Shards are required for the Gift of Mastery to create a first generation legendary weapon.

What are shards of glory used for gw2? ›

Shards of Glory are items used to craft legendary components to create precursor weapons. 50 Shards of Glory can be converted to Timeless Bags of Items by using the Shards of Glory Converter.

Where are the Djinn in gw2? ›

Djinn Enclave is a point of interest located in Sand Jackal Run in The Desolation marking a large settlement of djinn who are cleansing Abbadon's magic of torment and re-purposing the magic in the form of a Jackal.

What do you do with extra shards in dungeon crusher? ›

Shards (or Emeralds) are gems that provide global Damage Per Second (DPS) bonuses (just like Souls) and can be used as currency to buy Upgrades for Heroes Rarity, or Chests with Hero Shards. Each Shard provides a +10% bonus to the DPS.

What do you spend perception shards on? ›

Chaos Dungeon Vendor Rewards

These vendors allow you to spend your shards and crystals on Battle Engravings, different rarities of jewelry, or crafting materials respective to the currency's tier.

What do you do with shards in gems of war? ›

Jewels and Shards are used primarily as crafting resources in the Soulforge by mid to late game players.

What do you do with echo shards? ›

As previously mentioned, the echo shards are for the recovery compass to navigate towards the player's last known death location. These materials are difficult to obtain due to its scarcity, so keep any that you find in the world. The ideal amount to collect is 8, as this is the minimum for the compass.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.